
Site Purpose

#ReadIndies is an annual event hosted by Lizzy of  Lizzy’s Literary Life (Volume Two) and Karen of Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings . The purpose is to support independent publishers of all shapes and sizes by reading and reviewing their books, hopefully generating larger audiences for their catalogues. The event has been running each February since 2021. This site will hold all the annual indices for reference to any who are interested in searching out their next independent publishing read.

Read Indies 2024 Event Index

Another excellent event! With many thanks to the 25 bloggers and 60 publishers who provided the content for the 4th edition of #ReadIndies. The index is scrollable.  Up and down / left and right.  

Read Indies 2023 Event Index

#ReadIndies 2023 brought us 91 reviews of books from 55 publishers. Thanks to all participants for another hugely enjoyable event.

Read Indies 2022 Event Index

With reviews of titles published by 72 publishers and profiles of 14 more from America, Canada and Australia, the blogging world certainly showcased its enthusiasm for independent publishing! Thank you everyone for supporting the event with such passion.   I hope the scrollable index below is complete. If not, let me know in comments and I'll add any missing reviews. Technical note: The index should be compatible with most browsers. It is a bit flakey with Safari, so I'm using Chrome on my ipad and that works just fine.

Read Indies 2021 Event Index

That , friends, is what you call an event with an E! With well over 100 posts and reviews of books from 57 independent publishers, we can call it a success! Well done, everyone Features Indies on My Shelves     10 Million Hardbacks Booker Talk                                                 Finding Time To Write Gilt and Dust I Read That In A Book Kaggsy’s Bookish Ramblings Lizzy’s Literary Life     The Book Trunk   Vishy The Knight                                                                                                    Publisher Spotlights     Fly on The Wall Press         Milkweed Editions Renard Press                                                                    Favourite Poetry Presses         Favourite Irish Independents                                   Favourite Welsh Independents     Reviews                Publishers marked * may not be fully independent, but, considering how complicated it is to establish the fact of it, we’ve kept the reviews in the event inde